DeepTech Alliance and Rise Europe enter a strategic collaboration to execute a joint vision for the deep tech venture ecosystem in Europe
The two initiatives have a joint vision of bringing Europe to the forefront of science-based innovation, and making Europe a fertile ground for entrepreneurs, startups and scaleups to grow and thrive. We believe that much more cross-border collaboration is needed within Europe to make this happen. To this end, both initiatives are connecting entrepreneurship hubs across Europe to enable best practice exchange between regions and facilitate interactions between entrepreneurs, corporates, tech institutes, governments and investors.
Complementary Focus Areas
While being on this joint mission, Rise Europe and DeepTech Alliance strengthen each other through their complementary focus:
- The primary focus of Rise Europe is to improve the general environment and framework conditions for entrepreneurs in Europe together with industry, family offices, investors and policy makers and to create more visibility for emerging “start-up champions”. Each founder of Rise Europe is doing this already in their own ecosystem. Rise Europe is the way to connect the ecosystems and share a voice.
- The primary focus of DeepTech Alliance is to connect mature market-ready startups with corporates and investors to explore commercial partnerships and cross-border collaboration enabling scaling opportunities internationally.
Maximizing Impact
Together, the two initiatives strive for maximum impact by supporting each other’s activities, promoting each other’s initiatives in their individual networks and being represented at each other’s profile events. This partnership brings together all the essential pieces of the puzzle required for deep tech innovation to thrive in Europe.
What is Rise Europe?
Rise Europe is a network of individuals from 20 established innovation ecosystems hubs across Europe collaborating to promote emerging startups and connect industry, family offices, investors and policy makers to stimulate conducive framework conditions that can enable European startups to scale within Europe and contribute to European technological sovereignty. For more information, see or email [email protected]
What is DeepTech Alliance?
DeepTech Alliance (DTA) is a private non-profit association of European entrepreneurship hubs associated with research institutions collaborating to connect mature market-ready startups from Europe with corporates and investors internationally through business creation programs dedicated to the exploration of strategic and commercial partnerships. For more information, see or email [email protected].